
Recommendation Engine in PostgreSQL

Building a Recommendation Engine in PostgreSQL using Python Project GitHub link: N.B. The database is built in this post and refer to the data_preparation_r.R script to have everything ready in…

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Weighted KNN with Python

Building a weighted KNN model to predict house prices using python. Github link for the project and the data: Import important libraries. import pandas as pd import numpy as…

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Julia for Data Science

Exploring JULIA's power in doing Data Science What is and Why Julia ?! Julia Language is a high-level general-purpose dynamic programming language, that was originally designed to address the needs…

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User and Item Based Recommender with Python

User & Item-Based Recommender System with Python Building a movie recommender system from scratch in python using ratings and movies csv files from MovieLens small data set. The system is inspired from the great Programming Collective…

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Clustering with R

Building a clustering algorithm model in R We will use "Wholesale customers data.csv" at to perform Hierarchical and Kmeans Clustering using R. Github link for the project and data: First we load the data…

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Model Comparison with R

Model Comparison finding a good model isn't always the main problem, sometimes there're other models that can give better results or we already have many. so comparing models is of…

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Non-Linear Regression with R

Solving NonLinear Problems with R linear regression is such a great method to predict a variable measurement based on other variables. but not always the relationship between the variables in…

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Linear Regression with R and Caret

HousePrice Prediction using R Fitting a linear model using R's caret package to predict house prices Github Link: we first load the train data and the test data without…

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Create API for Machine Learning Model with R

Why an API ?! APIs allow machine learning models to be implemented in many different ways in production connecting the model and its results with so many apps in the…

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Classification with R

Using Logistic Regression algorithm to classify diabetic and non-diabetic patients based on some analysis results Github Link: first we import the libraries prepare the data and look at it.…

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