Weighted KNN with Python

Building a weighted KNN model to predict house prices using python.

Github link for the project and the data: https://github.com/MNoorFawi/weighted-knn-in-python

Import important libraries.

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
from sklearn.neighbors import KDTree
from sklearn.preprocessing import StandardScaler
import seaborn as sns
import random

Import data, remove “id” and “date” columns -unnecessary- and make price a separate variable.

data = pd.read_csv("home_data-train.txt", sep = ",", header = None)
del data[0]
del data[1]

test = pd.read_excel("HomePrices-Test.xlsx", header = 0)
del test["id"]
del test ["date"]

data.columns = test.columns
train_price = data.price
del data["price"]
test_price = test.price
del test["price"]

See correlations between each variable and price to extract important variables.

sns.set(rc = {'figure.figsize' : (11.7, 8.27)})
corr = pd.concat([train_price, data], axis = 1).corr()
corr_map = sns.heatmap(corr, annot = True, 
                       fmt = ".1g", cmap = "coolwarm")

Extract important variables and standardize train and test data.

correlated = data.columns[corr.iloc[1:, 0] >= 0.3]
scaled = StandardScaler().fit(data[correlated])
train_scaled = scaled.transform(data[correlated])
test_scaled = scaled.transform(test[correlated])

Construct the KDTree and test it.

tree = KDTree(train_scaled)
nearest_dist, nearest_ind = tree.query(test_scaled[13].reshape(1, -1), k = 3)
print(test.loc[13, correlated], "\n")
print(data.loc[nearest_ind[0], correlated], "\n")
print("test price: ", test_price[13], "\n")
print("train price: \n", list(train_price[nearest_ind[0]]))

# bedrooms            2.0000
# bathrooms           2.5000
# sqft_living      1278.0000
# view                0.0000
# grade               7.0000
# sqft_above       1002.0000
# sqft_basement     276.0000
# lat                47.5532
# sqft_living15    1220.0000
# Name: 13, dtype: float64 
#        bedrooms  bathrooms  sqft_living  view  grade  sqft_above  \
# 19933         2        2.5         1233     0      7         963   
# 9192          2        2.5         1250     0      7        1030   
# 18439         2        2.5         1230     0      7        1060   
#        sqft_basement      lat  sqft_living15  
# 19933            270  47.5533           1230  
# 9192             220  47.5243           1250  
# 18439            170  47.6007           1290   
# test price:  358000 
# train price: 
#  [360000, 267100, 380000]

Define the weight function, GaussianSubtract Weight and the one we will use Inverse Weight, the Weighted KNN algorithm and the Test Algorithm (RMSE) function.

def inverseweight(dist, num = 1.0, const = 0.1):
    return num / (dist + const)
def gaussian(dist, sigma = 10.0):
    return math.e ** (- dist ** 2 / ( 2 * sigma ** 2))

def subtractweight(dist, const = 2.0):
    if dist > const:
        return 0.001
        return const - dist

def weighted_knn(kdtree, test_point, target, k = 25,
                weight_fun = inverseweight):
    nearest_dist, nearest_ind = kdtree.query(test_point, k = k)
    avg = 0.0
    totalweight = 0.0
    for i in range(k):
        dist = nearest_dist[0][i]
        idx = nearest_ind[0][i]
        weight = weight_fun(dist)
        avg += weight * target[idx]
        totalweight += weight
    avg = round(avg / totalweight)
    return avg

def testalgorithm(algo, kdtree, testset, target, test_target):
    error = 0.0
    for row in range(len(testset)):
        guess = algo(kdtree, testset[row].reshape(1, -1), target)
        error += (test_target[row] - guess) ** 2
    return round(np.sqrt(error / len(testset)))

Test the algorithm.

ex = random.sample(range(len(test)), 5)
print("predicted",";", "actual", " ;", "error")
for i in ex:
    res = weighted_knn(tree, test_scaled[i].reshape(1, -1), train_price)
         " ;", 
         " ;",
         abs(test_price[i] - res))

# predicted ; actual  ; error
# 446422.0  ; 399995  ; 46427.0
# 542199.0  ; 653500  ; 111301.0
# 331369.0  ; 360000  ; 28631.0
# 375849.0  ; 255000  ; 120849.0
# 633987.0  ; 687015  ; 53028.0

Algorithm’s RMSE.

print(testalgorithm(weighted_knn, tree, test_scaled, train_price, test_price)) 


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