
Fine-Tuning BERT for Sentiment Analysis

Introduction Using a pre-trained Language Model like BERT (Bidirectional Encoder Representations from Transformers), we can leverage contextual embeddings to enhance the ability to understand and analyze natural language text. This…

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Building Recommendation System with Deep Reinforcement Learning and Neo4j

Introduction In this tutorial We will be building a movie recommendantion enine leveraging a blend of graph-based machine learning and deep reinforcement learning (DRL). This post details an approach using…

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Bayesian Neural Networks for Predicting Novel Unseen Classes

Introduction Bayesian Neural Networks (BNNs) provide a unique approach to neural network modeling by incorporating uncertainty into predictions. This tutorial explores the application of BNNs in predicting novel unseen classes…

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Explain Python Machine Learning Models with SHAP Library

Using SHapley Additive exPlainations (SHAP) Library to Explain Python ML Models Almost always after developing an ML model, we find ourselves in a position where we need to explain this…

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LSTM Autoencoder for Anomaly Detection in Python with Keras

Using LSTM Autoencoder to Detect Anomalies and Classify Rare Events So many times, actually most of real-life data, we have unbalanced data. Data were the events in which we are…

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Autoencoder with Manifold Learning for Clustering in Python

Clustering the Manifold of the Embeddings Learned by Autoencoders Whenever we have unlabeled data, we usually think about doing clustering. Clustering helps find the similarities and relationships within the data.…

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Sentiment Prediction using CNN and LSTM in Keras

Using Convolutional and Long Short-Term Memory Neural Networks to Classify IMDB Movie Reviews as Positive or Negative We will explore combining the CNN and LSTM along with Word Embeddings to…

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Simulated Annealing with C

Solving Optimization Problems with C We will look at how to develop Simulated Annealing algorithm in C to find the best solution for an optimization problem. The problem we are…

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Recommendation Engine with Neo4j

Collaborative Filtering Recommendation Engine with Neo4j & Python Introduction In a previous blog, we created a graph database in Neo4j using the DVDRENTAL database which you can download from here.…

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Resource Allocation with Simulated Annealing

Optimization Algorithms to Find the Best Solution Possible Resource allocation or resource management is a very difficult task in any company. To find the best resource with the right skills…

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