Machine Learning

Explain Python Machine Learning Models with SHAP Library

Using SHapley Additive exPlainations (SHAP) Library to Explain Python ML Models Almost always after developing an ML model, we find ourselves in a position where we need to explain this…

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Simulated Annealing with C

Solving Optimization Problems with C We will look at how to develop Simulated Annealing algorithm in C to find the best solution for an optimization problem. The problem we are…

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Recommendation Engine with Neo4j

Collaborative Filtering Recommendation Engine with Neo4j & Python Introduction In a previous blog, we created a graph database in Neo4j using the DVDRENTAL database which you can download from here.…

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Resource Allocation with Simulated Annealing

Optimization Algorithms to Find the Best Solution Possible Resource allocation or resource management is a very difficult task in any company. To find the best resource with the right skills…

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Recommendation Engine in PostgreSQL

Building a Recommendation Engine in PostgreSQL using Python Project GitHub link: N.B. The database is built in this post and refer to the data_preparation_r.R script to have everything ready in…

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Weighted KNN with Python

Building a weighted KNN model to predict house prices using python. Github link for the project and the data: Import important libraries. import pandas as pd import numpy as…

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Julia for Data Science

Exploring JULIA's power in doing Data Science What is and Why Julia ?! Julia Language is a high-level general-purpose dynamic programming language, that was originally designed to address the needs…

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User and Item Based Recommender with Python

User & Item-Based Recommender System with Python Building a movie recommender system from scratch in python using ratings and movies csv files from MovieLens small data set. The system is inspired from the great Programming Collective…

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Clustering with R

Building a clustering algorithm model in R We will use "Wholesale customers data.csv" at to perform Hierarchical and Kmeans Clustering using R. Github link for the project and data: First we load the data…

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Model Comparison with R

Model Comparison finding a good model isn't always the main problem, sometimes there're other models that can give better results or we already have many. so comparing models is of…

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