
Weighted KNN with Python

Building a weighted KNN model to predict house prices using python. Github link for the project and the data: Import important libraries. import pandas as pd import numpy as…

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LZHW (Python Library Quick Start)

Lempel-Ziv Huffman Welch Python compression library to compress big lists and/or pandas dataframes using an optimized algorithm (lzhw) developed from Lempel-Ziv, Huffman and LZ-Welch algorithms. lzhw has a command line tool that,…

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User and Item Based Recommender with Python

User & Item-Based Recommender System with Python Building a movie recommender system from scratch in python using ratings and movies csv files from MovieLens small data set. The system is inspired from the great Programming Collective…

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Traversing Graphs using Pytholog

Finding Paths in a Graph using Pytholog We will use pytholog library. We will define a weighted undirected graph for the largest MSAs in USA. Github link: Image and examples source is "Classic…

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Logic Programming in Python with Pytholog

Logic Programming in Python with Pytholog Library Pytholog is a python library that enables using logic programming in python. The aim of the library is to explore ways to use symbolic…

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